Babits Mihály promenade

The Babits Mihály promenade is located behind the eastern wall of the Castle Hill, in the area from the Vienna Gate to the Transylvanian Bastion and can be approached by passing through the Bécsi Kapu and then climbing to the top. The promenade, originally surrounded by a double defensive wall, runs alongside the eastern castle wall from the Bécsi Kapu to Babits Mihály street. The promenade can best be described as a depository of Renaissance romanticism in Budapest. Until 1936, the promenade was occupied by the gardens of the houses at 11-25 Táncsics Mihály Street, in front of which medieval buildings leaning against the castle wall stood. In 1936, part of the gardens were cleared, the area was reforested and opened to the public in its present form. A memorial plaque to Mihály Babits was placed here in 1965.


Babits Mihály sétány, Buda Castle

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picture: Both Balázs